“A World without music would be a much quieter place and less emotionally expressive. Music can help us to communicate complex emotions and feelings, and can also shape our emotional state. Music is a creative outlet that can be healing.”
Di Allerston was born and still lives in Hull. She studied Art, Design, Fashion and Illustration at College and at University: Including the Hereford School of Art, University of Lincoln & Humberside (now University of Hull), Hull College and Manchester Metropolitan University.
She has created this exhibition – “Storytellers” – showcasing her artwork which shows her appreciation for some of the music icons, who have provided her with inspiration and reflection, and to honour some truly great ‘storytellers’ who have provided support through their words, lyrics and poetry.
Di believes that without music there would be a noticeable void.
Most of her artwork has been created as collages that have been manipulated digitally. Some are limited edition prints of her oil paintings. All prints are for sale and are limited editions.