Volunteering at ERT

We have a wonderful building, sound, lights, make-up and costumes. Our actors are also well-rehearsed and eager to perform. However, the show just can’t go on without our supporting cast of volunteers. That’s how important volunteering at ERT is.

Our volunteers work day or night, weekdays or weekends. They book in advance the shifts that they can manage for the following month, which are allocated on a first come first served basis. A volunteer may not be able to do any shifts one month and then do several the next- your commitment is totally flexible.

The majority of our volunteers work behind the bar, look after the audience front of house, help to keep the theatre clean or run the box office. But there are many other things to get involved with, including various social events.

Presently, all our volunteer roles are allocated. However, this will change in the future, at which time we will advertise here for anyone interested to get in touch! 

In the meantime, we hope to see you at our theatre very soon!


East Riding Theatre is a not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity. East Riding Theatre has no public funding. Our initial costs to equip the theatre has come from the generosity of our supporters, both individuals, and local businesses.

Ways in which you can support ERT

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