Fairytales, Fables & Other Assorted Nonsense

Fairytales, Fables & Other Assorted Nonsense

Wednesday 28th May 2025. Fairytales, Fables & Other Assorted Nonsense. An entertaining show for all the family. Fairy tales across the land live in fear. Fear for their lives, fear for their freedom and, most importantly, fear for their turnips. Why you ask? Because Little Red Riding Hood has taken control.

Do I Love You

Do I Love You

Thursday 29th May – Saturday 7th June 2025. Do I Love You written and directed by John Godber. This is Northern Soul for a new generation, but with rising costs, unemployment, and small town blues, has anything really changed?

Patrick Monahan – The Talkinator

Patrick Monahan – The Talkinator

Saturday 14th June 2025. Patrick Monahan – The Talkinator. Everybody’s favourite comedian, Patrick Monahan’s high energy style combines with hilarious, engaging, topical and observational material to make a fun evening out!

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